Five Essential Tips to Write Brilliant Flash Fiction

Five Essential Tips to Write Brilliant Flash Fiction

There are millions of people worldwide who have a passion for writing. However, this does not mean everyone has the energy and dedication to write a complete book. And this does not mean a lack of talent or energy.

Everyone has a different way of writing and sharing their talent and feelings with the world. Due to the length and intrigue of short pieces of fiction, flash fiction (also known as sudden fiction) is gaining a growing interest among fiction readers.

The word limit of flash fiction can vary from many factors, such as the demands of publication, website, or competition you are writing for. It may seem hard to make one page interesting enough for the reader, but it can be a rewarding talent once you get the hang of it.

If you are trying to write flash fiction for the first time, here are a few tips that can help you.

1.      Choose an Interesting Title

If you have never worked around flash fiction before, the thought of making a small piece of literature interesting enough for the reader can be intimidating. After all, in a novel, you do not have to worry about the word limit as a priority.

Whether you wish to write a lengthy novel or learn about how to write flash fiction from the best resources, the first thing in common for both types of writing is that they need interesting titles. After all, that is one of the first things a potential reader will see about your book.

Since titles are so important, they can be one of the hardest parts to get right. They are the best opportunity to anchor your story in the right direction.

You can start with a brainstorming session to develop a few titles with ten or fewer words. After all, there are no wrongs and rights in a title. However, when you come up with a few options after trial and error, you will know when to find the right one.

Primarily, make sure your title is eye-catching and sums up the story in a few words. If your title does not fit the content of your fan fiction, the reader may feel cheated or deceived. If summing up is hard, you can foreshadow or hint at the plot in some way, but try to ensure that it’s not a spoiler.

2.      Write What’s Necessary

The biggest challenge while writing flash fiction is the word length. The writer has to be very careful in ensuring that their word limit does not exceed the boundaries of the flash literature. It can be a very agitating experience for some writers.

When a writer has the constant pressure of writing with a word limit, it can compromise the quality of your stories. That is why most professional flash writers advise other aspiring writers to start their flash fiction just as a normal story. It can be reduced to the word limit once you are done.

Here is a practice that can help you. Make sure you use strong nouns and verbs instead of adjectives and adverbs. The smart usage of words can help you write better flash literature and improve your overall expression.

In addition, make sure that you do not use a lot of characters to build your story. Keep it short and sweet. It may surprise you that in most cases, the character’s name does not need to be mentioned unless it provides additional information.

3.      Sweat the Last Line

Microstories are widely read worldwide. It’s not just because they are short and can be completed in one sitting. Instead, the reason for many people is that a micro-story does not end after the last line. It keeps going even after you close the page after completion.

One of the purposes of flash literature is that every reader leaves with something. A good flash fiction should take the reader to another place where they can continue to think about what happened and what it all meant.

Many writers also use a circle-back ending to write their micro stories. It means that you revisit a sentence or a sentiment from the start of your story but illuminate it in a different light to leave the reader in a world of amazement.

The writer must end their micro story so the reader loves it as a beautiful enigma. Therefore, every aspiring micro story must know that the ending is not the end. Instead, it’s a dose of overwhelming feelings that can leave your reader under the spell for days.

4.      Use Small Ideas

Flash fiction is supposed to be small, but that is not just about the length. Your micro story cannot fit the guidelines if it explores a big idea. After all, big ideas have to deal with multiple aspects with a lot of focus on small details. A lot is happening in one go.

For example, you cannot imagine summarizing a book based on a world war into a micro fiction. Undoubtedly, you will have to cut a lot of information, emotions, and scenes. Even if you try, you may feel that you have lost the essence by the end.

Instead, if you write a story about how a soldier spends their day under the intense weather and potential danger. You can dig into the details of one event and help the reader connect with your protagonist within the word limits of flash fiction.

With a small idea, you do not have to worry about setting the basis for your protagonist to enter a setting. Instead, you just jump right into the story and expect your reader to catch up to the pace.

5.      Enable Visualization

You cannot leave everything to the reader’s imagination when it comes to flash fiction. A writer must use at least a few powerful images to build their story and engage the reader immediately.

When used right, imagery can be one of the most powerful tools to engage a reader. Imageries can help the readers freely roam around the imaginary space of your story.

One can agree that flash fiction is a glimpse of what can exist in this world. When you use imagery to engage the reader, they can find a connection on a higher level. You do not have to look for inspiration anywhere else. Just pick a few newspapers or photo albums to entice your readers.

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