What Type of tactical Gear Is Used By Law Enforcement?

What Type of tactical Gear Is Used By Law Enforcement?

While most people believe that tactical gear is only associated with law enforcement officers, in the last few years, it is also becoming extremely popular with fire brigade and rescue teams, hikers, hunters, survivalists, or anybody who loves outdoor activities.

This may be considered to be highly specific equipment for police, but it has many more uses than you can imagine. This article will discuss tactical gear and everything related to it in detail so you can better understand the subject matter.

What is Tactical or Law Enforcement Gear?

You’re probably thinking, what exactly is tactical gear, and how does it help law enforcement officers? Tactical gear is different from your everyday essentials like clothing or accessories. This is because this gear serves a specific purpose.

In general, the list of tactical gear includes the following accessories:

  • Gloves
  • Tactical Pants
  • Vests
  • Elbow and knee paddings
  • Firearms
  • Tactical boots
  • Other accessories, such as helmets, goggles or sunglasses, etc. 

You can generally view tactical gear as equipment for police or military. Rescue workers and firefighters also wear protective gear similar to those in police or armed forces. This is because it helps them do their jobs more efficiently without compromising on the quality of the services they offer.

The above-mentioned are just a few essential tactical gears used by law enforcement authorities. The actual list of things counted as police tactical gear is far longer than you can imagine.

Keep in mind the tactical gear that police and military officers use isn’t the same gear that would be recommended to hunters, hikers, or stuntmen. For example, where a police officer requires a bulletproof vest, a hunter or a hiker would need a utility vest with lots of pockets to store food and water.

Types of Tactical Gear Used by Law Enforcement

Various items complete a tactical outfit. Each gear in the survival outfit serves a purpose. Below, we are discussing different types of tactical gear typically used by law enforcement. Sometimes, these police tactical gear can also be adapted for civilian use due to the high reliability of these gear.

  1. Tactical Backpacks

When you think about tactical gear and all the advancements in the field, you will most likely forget about the essential tactical gear, which happens to be a backpack. It may seem less impressive, and some may even think you won’t need it. But a tactical backpack is as essential as it gets.

This simple yet highly essential product has been through several innovations. For example, when people used to go on hiking trips previously, they used to carry their essentials in knapsacks. But today, the same knapsack has transformed into an impeccable backpack considered a tech marvel.

These backpacks not only carry your daily essentials but also have the space to integrate some very challenging gear. In addition, a tactical backpack is highly durable and water-resistant with so many hidden pockets so you never run out of space to store your things.

  1. Tactical Pants

You are mistaken if you’re assuming that tactical trousers are just like your regular jeans, chinos, or yoga pants. Tactical pants are nothing like your average pants.

They feature several deep pockets that are excellent for carrying all equipment. Moreover, tactical pants are incredibly durable and offer great longevity. They are not prone to wear and tear, and you won’t feel any restrictions regarding your leg movements while wearing them.

Some tactical pants also feature inserts for knee pads to protect your knees against injuries. The best thing about tactical pants is that even if they target comfort and durability, with vendors like LA Police Gear, they are also available in aesthetically pleasing options.

  1. Tactical Boots

Another type of police gear most commonly used by law enforcement is tactical boots. These boots are trendy among military and police personnel because of their durability and added strength.

Since you’re here, you have probably heard about the dreaded trench foot, better known as foot immersion syndrome. It occurs when the feet remain soaked for far too long. The condition was first witnessed during World War I when soldiers had to sit in damp trenches for days, weeks, and, in some cases, months.

Their feet had blisters and became numb with pain, making it difficult for soldiers to function. Thus, you must take care of your feet when you’re in the field, and that requires highly specific tactical boots.

These boots are comfortable, solid, rugged, waterproof, and can work in the most challenging situations.

  1. Tactical Gloves

Gloves might be essential as tactical gear, depending on your activities. For example, if you’re going to be climbing mountains or doing anything that involves using your hands in challenging conditions, then you must put tactical gloves on.

Most law enforcement officers use gloves because they never know what condition they may have to deal with. Therefore, it must be worn at crime scenes and other unforeseen circumstances.

  1. Tactical Vests

Lastly, military and law enforcement officers widely use tactical vests. They use it as body armor which is why bulletproof vests are included in the tactical gear they must always put on.

However, hunters and hikers don’t necessarily need bulletproof vests. Instead, they have to wear utility vests with several pockets where hikers and hunters can store as much gear as they need.

Final Verdict

So, this is everything you should know regarding the type of tactical gear used by law enforcement officers.

This doesn’t end here. Tactical gear includes knives, flashlights, holsters and belts, firearms, and so on. It depends on the job you will do while wearing tactical gear, which should determine what you need and don’t.

When you’re out searching for the best tactical gear for police or hikers, you first have to determine your requirements. Discover where you’re going and what essentials you must bring along on the journey, and then start researching these law enforcement gear.

You’re bound to come across various options on your hunt, so always read reviews before making a purchase. We hope this article helped. Thank you for reading.

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